Product News

Compact Size HK Series Specialized for Intelligent Instrument
HK series are DC/DC converters specially designed for application of two-wire signal transmitter and they provide following features.....

DC/DC Converter BxxxxS-W2R2 with High Efficiency at Light Load
BxxxxS-W2R2 series aim to help customer getting rid of low efficiency at light load and they have following features....

Active High Precision Analog Signal Isolation Transmitter TE6650HN Series
TE6650HN is 4000VAC active signal conditioning module with following features.....

Cost-effective 200-1500VDC PV15-29BxxL Series

This series offer 20% cost reduction and a smaller size of 109*58.5*30mm than PV15/PV40-29Bxx series, so they are especially suitable for space constrained applications.

90~528VAC Wide Input voltage AC/DC Converter Specialized for Three-phase Four-wire System
MORNSUN releases new 3W three-phase four-wire AC/DC converter LS03-16BxxSS and LD03-16Bxx series which meet UL60950/EN60950/FCC part 15 standards.